Media Partnership Opportunity Dental Practice 2018

The world class open access publisher & scientific event’s organizer is delighted to welcomes you to the prestigious “31st Annual Conference on Dental Practice and Oral Health” to be held from November 15-16, 2018 at Osaka, Japan.
The main theme of the conference is “Novel techniques in prosthetic dental practice”
Please visit our website at:
 We invite to take advantage of this unique opportunity to reach decision-makers in the corporate and scientific community by becoming Media Partner for mutual promotional benefits in websites and at the conference venue.

Benefits of Association as Media Partners:
·         Logo and Link of your corporate website in the Conference website.
·         Recognition listing in the final conference program / proceedings.
·         Verbal recognition at the Inaugural Ceremony.
·         Opportunity to take over and organize interested scientific track(s) / session(s) if any.
We count on your close and constructive participation.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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